Embracing New Life: Exploring the butterfly meaning in the bible in a creative way

Butterflies are well known for being these amazingly beautiful creatures that people marvel at regularly. But if you look at the lengthy process that butterflies go through to become so beautiful, you would see an amazing process of transformation and new life that also mirrors the symbolic butterfly meaning in the bible.

I’ll show you this process of embracing NEW LIFE in this blog, coupled with scriptures. And of course I’m gonna show you how to express the butterfly’s transformation in a fun craft.

We’ll explore the butterfly spiritual meaning and how to apply it to your life.

Let’s explore together!

How Butterflies are Created

The transformation process of a caterpillar into a butterfly is a fascinating and intricate journey in nature. It all starts with an egg that develops into a little worm like creature called a caterpillar.

When the caterpillar is fully grown, it then wraps itself in a cocoon called Chrysalis. From here, it begins its growth process into a butterfly.

At the appointed time, a young and small creature with wings is birthed out of the cocoon. The butterfly emerges a beautiful and graceful creature for all to see.

This process is called metamorphosis.

Butterfly lifecycle

What does the Butterfly symbolize?

Butterflies are a symbol of transformation and new beginnings. It represents the beauty of embracing change and the power of starting anew.

I think you can already begin to see similarities between the butterfly naturally and the process of salvation and transformation in the bible.

Just like a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, we too can experience a rebirth and embark on a journey of spiritual growth.

The butterfly represents not only new life, but also new beginnings, a fresh start, and a renewed focus.

Change can be great!

In fact, the butterfly shows that change can be BEAUTIFUL!

My Dad, who was a preacher, used to preach about not killing our potential when we are in the caterpillar or “ugly” stages in our life.

It was always such a funny and eye-opening message. My Dad would talk about how much he hated worms, snakes and caterpillars. The human man in him wanted to take his size 12 shoes and just stomp on them and kill them every time. I can still see my Dad, who was 6’2″ stomping all over the pulpit demonstrating his point. LOL

However, if we killed every caterpillar we would NEVER get butterflies. We would never know the beauty of their colors or the gracefulness of their wings in flight.

Dad would wrap up the message by stating, If that caterpillar could say one thing before being killed it would say, “just give me a chance. I’m gonna grow into something great.”

Guess what?

The same goes for your life. By the same token, don’t kill the caterpillar in yourself. Don’t stop growing when life gets rough or ugly, because God has beautiful and great things in store for your life.

Change has to happen for growth.

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    Butterfly meaning in the bible

    So you may wonder, are butterflies in the bible?

    What is the butterfly spiritual meaning?

    Technically, no, not by name, but their metamorphosis process was definitely beautifully crafted by God.

    The meaning behind the butterfly is symbolic of the transformation process we must all go through as Christians to have new life in Christ.

    For example, one could draw straight comparison to the butterfly life cycle to our life cycle as a Christian. We were born into a sinful world. We were under-developed and possibly had some ugly times in life. Then we accept Christ and cover ourselves in His love and instruction from the bible to become a new creature. Finally, at the appointed time, we emerge as a beautiful testament of what God can create.

    picture of butterfly meaning in the bible

    Let’s dig in a little deeper into each step:

    Created by God

    Just like the butterfly, you were created by God. He perfectly crafted you for His glory.

    Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” You are included in that. Matter of fact, everything you see was created by God. Isn’t he amazing!

    In Psalm 139:13, David praises God by saying, “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (ESV)

    God put you here. And Spoiler Alert: He has a plan and purpose for your life. (Jeremiah 29:11)

    Sinful Nature

    Unfortunately we were born into a world of sin. Romans 3:23 tells us, that “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”

    Just like the caterpillar is not the cutest looking little thing to some of us, everyone of us has done something that wasn’t beautiful in God’s eyes.

    That caterpillar stage, or the larva stage is a stage of infancy. It’s before we develop into everything God has called us to be.

    In like manner, there will be ugly times. There will be times of you don’t always make the right decision. There will be times, that you are rejected from what other people say is the “norm.”

    More importantly, know that God loves you at every stage. Ultimately, like that butterfly, if you just hold on God can and will transform you life for the better.


    Additionally, the butterfly’s natural transformation process is also similar to our butterfly meaning in the bible.

    Once we accept Christ into our lives, we begin to “morp” into more like Him. There has to be this change in every aspect of our lives. It will be a better change, a life shifting kind of change.

    The bible says in Romans 12:2, “And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (KJV)

    Butterflies go through a major transformation in that cocoon. Likewise, we have to shed our old sinful ways and adopt the ways of Christ.

    This process can be called Discipleship, or the process of becoming more like Christ.

    What’s so great about this process, is that we don’t have to do the changing by ourselves. God will transform our hearts and minds, if we let Him.

    For example, the scripture says in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” (ESV)

    The Cocoon Stage Matters

    Your “Cocoon Stage” is important. Just as the butterfly’s metamorphosis is a big moment in its life, we too can experience significant transformations that shape our future.

    Embracing change can alter our trajectory and lead us towards a path filled with positivity and growth. This time in your life is your big moment in history to become who God says you are.

    You are telling the world, “Hey, I’m gonna be bigger and stronger with God.” Let us view change not as something to be feared, but as a natural part of our evolution towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

    When will the Cocoon stage end?

    The cocoon stage can be hard. I know, change is hard.

    So you may be asking, “When will this end already?”

    Listen, I talk to God plain and with everyday English. LOL. I tell God, let me go, I’m ready to fly. I wanna fly right now.

    Well, things will happen in God’s timing. Moving out of God’s timing can have negative effects. In fact, we make moves that may push us in the wrong direction.

    Stay near to God, get fully developed and trust God to bring you out at the perfect time.

    So go ahead, drop those heavy weights of sins. Commit to growing your wings. Have fun developing your colors.

    You are in the process of becoming the best version of yourself. How exciting

    New Life

    Finally, with change comes something NEW. In this case, it’s a rebirth into a new life in Christ.

    The butterfly meaning in the bible shows us that something once “ugly” can become something beautiful to behold. Coming out of the cocoon is like being born again. You are no longer the “caterpillar,” or your prior self. You are not a new creation in God.

    Scripture tells us in Galations 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.” (ESV)

    In short: When you accept Christ into your life then the person you were before Christ MUST DIE. It can not co-exist with the new you. The story doesn’t stop there though, Christ died so you can live again. He gives you new life in Him just by having faith in Him.

    Just like Christ rose from the dead in to new life, so will you emerge from your “cocoon” with new life, new possibilities, new outlook, new focus, etc.

    “We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.” Romans 6:4 (ESV)


    New Life Butterfly Craft

    Now, this blog wouldn’t be complete with expressing the butterfly meaning in the bible in a creative way. I’ve created an easy butterfly craft that you can use in small groups, Sunday School, vacation bible school, at home or anywhere.

    It’s a great visual way to show how the butterfly’s natural process can walk us through our spiritual transformation process in Christ.

    In brief, this craft will show you how to make a functioning fluttering butterfly with paper and plastic straws. The download comes with the instruction on how to incorporate the lesson. Also, you can do the new life butterfly craft project with most age groups.

    Get the template below for step by step instructions.

    Subscribe and Download the New Life Butterfly Craft Template and Instructions

    Get immediate access to the PDF with step by step instructions and a printable butterfly template to go with the craft.

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      New Life Butterfly Craft Supplies:

      • Craft Template from the Purple Craft Diva
      • Scissors
      • Pens, crayons, etc.
      • 2 plastic straws
      • tape
      • any stickers, or cutesy items to add to their decoration

      Butterfly Jewelry

      I aslo created a beautiful butterfly jewelry collection through my brand Five and Seven Jewelry Co.

      If you didn’t know, I used my creativity to birth a faith based jewelry brand. It’s high quality pieces that are more than just pretty, they have meaning to encourage you everyday. It’s wearable inspriation.

      So, while I was studying the butterfly meaning in the bible, I just knew I needed to create a butterfly necklace. I began sketching and ultimately created several jewelry pieces to remind us of New Life.

      You can get yours HERE.

      Butterfly jewelry set from Five and Seven Jewelry Co

      If you want to learn more about you can use your creativity for God, check out my blog called “You were called to be Creative.” It breaks it down how a creative God creatived you to be creative!

      Thank God for the symbolism of the Butterfly

      As you can see, the symbolism of butterflies in the Bible holds a profound meaning that resonates with the beauty and transformation found in Christianity. Just as butterflies undergo a remarkable metamorphosis, so do Christians experience a transformative journey through our relationship with Christ.

      Embracing the symbolism of butterflies not only reminds us of the beauty found in nature but also underscores the profound spiritual truths embedded within their delicate wings. As we continue to walk in faith and surrender to God’s transformative power, we can rest assured that every step taken is worth it, leading us towards a life filled with purpose, beauty, and renewal.

      Until Next Time,

      Stay Crafty,



      1. Dean Rouleau

        August 27, 2024 at 4:28 am

        Angie thank you for such a great analogy! I’m going to use this in my own personal ministry! Please see me contacting email regarding a small typo that has a LARGE impact on yiur message!!

        Thank you again!! Dean

      2. Andrew Onifade Oluwaseun ibironke

        September 23, 2024 at 10:06 pm

        Quite inspiring, More unction Angie, love you

      3. Patricia Green

        October 24, 2024 at 12:09 pm

        Thank you for helping me prepare a message for a loved one who saw beautiful butterflies as she was transforming on her way home .(heaven). I was able to make a beautiful comparison of the human life and the butterfly

        1. Angie - the Purple Craft Diva

          November 19, 2024 at 8:21 pm

          Awesome! God has a beautiful change in store for all of us.

      4. Bailey Sanchez Magaña

        December 8, 2024 at 4:47 am

        I love this !! God has a plan for you dear🥹

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