Easy DIY Valentine’s Day Card to Make Love Day Personal

Flowers, Chocolates, Dinner, Jewelry; these are the basics that most people give for Valentine’s Day. Let’s jazz up Love Day this year with a personalized card from the heart.

This Easy DIY Valentine’s Day Card is fun and quick but makes a big impact in showing that you care.

Why DIY a Valentine’s Day Card?

You may be saying, “Angie, you do know they sell cards in like every store around this time.” My answer to you would be “So What?” LOL

There is NOTHING like getting something heartfelt from someone you love. Some of the most touching things I’ve gotten and kept, are just handwritten notes from someone that cared about me.

What I’m trying to say is that, PERSONALIZATION MAKES A DIFFERENCE! A DIY valentine’s day card will go miles further than that card from Walmart, just trust me.

What Do I Say in a DIY Card?

The greatest part about making something personalized is that you can just speak from the heart.

You don’t have to be Shakespeare, or Maya Angelou. Be you in your DIY valentine card and just tell your valentine why you love them.

Your Smile makes me smile

U R Kind

You make me laugh

You are Funny

Hey Sexy

I look forward to seeing you everyday

I smile when I see your name on the caller ID

These are just a few starting ideas you can use in your card.

Easy DIY valentine card

Easy DIY Valentine’s Day Card Tutorial

Let’s do this. Here are the supplies you will need:

I’ve created a step by step video to walk you through it. Check it out.

Be Creative Even On Valentine’s Day

If you don’t know me or haven’t felt my vibe yet, let me just tell you, I’m passionate about creativity.

It’s my jam!!

One of the reasons I create tutorials like this, is to find ways for every single person to exercise their creativity.

So give creativity a try. Spoiler Alert…You’re gonna love it!

Until next time, Stay Crafty!


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