Your crazy idea can change someone’s life

I woke up with this crazy idea to help someone else

We live in a very big world, but life is bigger than ourselves.  Life has to be about more than just our issues, our problems, our struggles, hopes and wins.  It can become very easy to focus on ourselves alone, but we have to, even if it’s just for a moment, think about others and how we can help someone else.

One morning I was getting dressed, in my beautiful custom-made walk-in closet, and started to have a pity party because I didn’t have anything to wear to fit this round body.  Immediately I started to think, “What about all my other plus size sisters who have NOTHING, my dear curvy ladies that don’t have the ability to buy clothes…let alone clothes that fit.  I ran with my idea and a couple of phone calls and emails later I was having a Plus Size Clothing Drive.  It shocked me how quickly it came together.  I shared the idea with other plus size women and started to get donation calls from all over the city.  My little crazy idea might actually help someone.

So what can you do?


Charity, or the simple act of helping someone else, doesn’t always have to be a big grand gesture.  You can look for opportunities to help someone else everyday.  Little things like smiles and warm conversations can make someone’s day better.

Start with the things you are good at doing.  If you can cook, take a meal to someone who is sick or grieving.  If you like crafts (like a lot of us here in this tribe do) set up a craft day at a local nursing home or children’s hospital. You can write people letters, send encouraging emails/texts, buy someone their favorite candy, etc.

There are also tons of AMAZING charities already in existence with efforts you can support.  Do a search of charities in your area.  You can normally find out how you can help through information from their website or by calling.

My sister was looking for volunteer opportunities to do with her kids while she lived in San Diego.  She did a quick Google search and was able to find a food pantry that took volunteers on the weekends. During one of my visits to San Diego we took everyone and was tasked with sorted can good by dates (So many can goods and dry food donated is already expired).  My nephew was so enlightened about the amount of food that gets wasted that he came back home and sorted my sister’s can goods as well, encouraging us to use or donate them before it was time to throw it out.

It could’ve been us.

We’ve all had times in our life when we needed help.  None of us can be perfect at everything, every time.  Even beyond that, tragedy has no respecter of persons.  It can hit the house down the street today and hit my house tomorrow.  That’s why it’s so important to help someone else when you can.  You never know what others are going through.

There was a time in my life when I was in a very bad financial place.  I was unemployed with a house payment and car note.  After actively applying and interviewing for jobs for over six months, I had basically no income coming in. Every bill was behind and I had no job prospects.  Normally I’m very private and try to be self-sufficient, but my family made me open up and as a result rallied behind me and paid my mortgage and car payment.  My parents would randomly show up with groceries and household supplies.  I was in tears.  Speechless.  Even though they are family, they didn’t have to help me.  They gave of themselves.  They saw a need and tended to it.  I wouldn’t have made it through that phase without their support and I can say, I’m truly blessed.

Is “Self-Made” a real thing?

I struggle every time I hear someone say they are “Self Made.”  It is a proud badge of honor for those that have fought tooth and nail to reach their goals, but NO ONE is self-made.  If they went to any kind of schooling, a teacher helped them learn.  Sports players have a coach that gave them direction. Most small businesses started with a small business loan that some bank took a chance and gave them.  It’s just not possible to do life completely alone.

More importantly, God made us.  He crafted you and I just right.  He created us in HIS image and without him we would be nothing.  That door that opened that you didn’t think would…That’s God.  Did you have an opportunity come your way that you didn’t expect? That’s God’s favor.  Ever have someone disregard your past and give you a chance?  That’s God’s grace.  We are GOD-MADE!

Christ taught us to help others.

Jesus Christ is our greatest example of helping others in need.  Christ showed loved and compassion to all human beings.  Through his example of generosity, Jesus taught us to not only look at our lives but help our neighbors (Hebrews 13:16).  The bible tells us to always remember the poor and He will reward us for our efforts.  (Proverb 19:17).

As Christians, we are called to be the light in the darkness.  So my challenge to you is to let your light SHINE.  Let people see the Christ in you when you help them.  Your light can help someone’s darkness.

Your crazy idea matters

Help Someone Else

Take a moment now and think, “How can I help someone else?”  Start with the things you are good at and go from there.

I know you have some ideas floating around in your head.  Let me just tell you now, they are good ideas, no matter how crazy they may seem.  Actually someone in need right now is waiting on your crazy idea.  Your generosity, no matter how big or small, may change someone’s life.  If you help one person or encourage one soul, it will be worth it.  So go ahead and launch that crazy idea 🙂

Stay Crafty,



If you are in the Kansas City area, and would like to donate to my Plus Size Clothing Drive, see the flyer below.  All proceeds will go to the Mt. Carmel Redevelopment Corp and Dress for Success Kansas City.

Plus Size Clothing Drive


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