Calm Your Mind with Mind Mapping, a Creative Approach to Processing Information

Everyday, our mind has to process so much information. This is why mind mapping can be such an asset in our everyday lives. Everyday we have to deal with packed schedules, to-do lists, work assignments, school assignments, hobbies, extracurricular activities, and not to mention spending time with family and friends.

If you are nodding your head YES and this is you, just keep reading, I have a solution that has really helped me get all the “stuff” out my head and organized in a calming yet effective manner.

Understanding Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a great tool you can use to improve the flow of information in your life. It structures together information in a way that makes it easier for you to comprehend, analyze, and come up with new ideas as well.

The concept was coined by author and educational consultant Tony Buzan. He revolutionized the theory that brain science can improve learning, creativity and memory. With these mind mapping concepts, you can graphically represent topics, allowing you to actually picture your ideas, which science shows that it makes it easier to process. Mind mapping is just a very simple method of organizing thoughts and ideas.

Listen, anything that allows me to be organized and creative at the same time is a Win-Win in my book. (Read more about my passion for creativity HERE)

What is Mind Mapping anyway?

To simply explain mind mapping, think flowcharts meet brain dump, add colors and pictures and that’s a basic mind map. For example, start with a typical handwritten list of goals. Now add action steps to this list and draw lines to show how one action relates to another. All of a sudden your list begins to resemble a map or flowchart that visually displays your thoughts! By using a mind map, it’s easier to see how things on your list relate to each other and how to prioritize your projects

Mind maps work well with your brain because you’re using a structure that’s very close to the way your brain works. Instead of a traditional list format, it is a visual graph of your thoughts with shapes and short keywords. It includes artistic and analytical activity, getting your brain more involved in the information. Mind maps come to life as you add in the details. They help you form action steps and timelines to reach your goals and bring you the success you desire. Once you get the hang of it, you will find mind mapping to be fun!

Benefits of Mind Maps

  • Mind maps make information easier to learn, remember, and work with.
  • Mind maps allow you to envision the big picture and process each step into manageable chunks.
  • Mind maps enhance your creativity and inspires innovation by encouraging freeform thinking.
  • Mind maps help you focus on the important projects and tasks that are most beneficial.

Basically, it allows you to process all the things floating around in your head, clear out everything that doesn’t matter, and focus on the most important information for you at that time. You will be able to process information faster and generate more ideas than traditional note taking.

What areas can I use Mind Mapping?

There are various areas for using a mind map. They’re excellent tools for brainstorming, whether it’s for personal, work, or educational purposes. I like to call it a “Brain Dump.” I have a hard time sleeping at night when I have so much information in my mind. So I use mind mapping at night to just dump everything out of my head on paper and organize my day for tomorrow. Let me tell you, it has saved me from many sleepless nights.

Mind maps are great for taking notes as well, making notation much easier for students to visualize and remember information. When it comes to memorizing and studying, this can make the job easier and less time consuming.

Mind maps also simplify problem solving and planning. They work wonderfully for presenting information, from simple to complex. If you’re trying to find a way to get that creativity flowing, a mind map may be the perfect solution.

In addition, when you’re researching information from a variety of different sources, a mind map can help you consolidate it all in one place.

How to make a Mind Map

Mind Mapping

Making a mind map is easier than you may think. You’ll need a blank piece of paper, like an 8.5 x 11 piece of plain paper and something to write with in several different colors. I particularly like colored pencils, but anything will do.

Here are the steps:

1. Draw or write down a specific idea in the middle of your paper as your main topic, subject, thought or problem.  This will give you room to expand in any direction.

2. Around the main idea, illustrate or write out different subtopics or tasks that relate to the main idea. Typically, the subtopics will be in a different color.  Instead of sentences, just use keywords or short phrases for clarity. 

3. Draw lines to connect your subtopics to the main idea.

4. For each subtopic, you can notate more details and ideas, drawing lines to them as well, until everything is connected to their appropriate areas.  These detail bubbles should be a different color as well.  Any subtopic that has more than 4 details could really be it’s own mind map by itself. 

5. Add illustrations, drawings, pictures or symbols to each section to enhance the visual aspect.

Using this basic layout will get you started on a very effective mind mapping process.  Don’t strive for perfection.  Just allow your mind to flow and process.

Mind Mapping Tools

There are several tools that can help you with mind mapping.

  1. First, bookmark this page so you can come back and refer to it as you learn.
  2. Second, download my free template below. It’s a Printable PDF of 2 mind maps to get you started. One is a classic layout and the second one is a fun modern layout.
  3. Third, there are several great videos on YouTube to help you. I specifically like THIS VIDEO as the young lady explains how she uses mind mapping for studying.

Software Tools

If you are not into handwriting or drawing your mind map on paper, there are several websites and apps that help you create your mind map electronically. Check out Mindmeister, XMind, Lucidchart, and I’ve tried them all and they all have their own pros and cons. Most of these products work best with a paid version, but try them out and see if they work for you.

My Personal Experience with Mind Mapping

So, I haven’t always done mind mapping, but I have almost always made visual lists to process my information. Once I learned about mind mapping, I was like, “I’ve been doing this all along, but just didn’t know what to call it.”

When I was about 24, out of college and unemployed, I was desperate to find ways to make money and provide for myself. I was smart, I had a hard work ethic, I had lots of skills, why couldn’t I turn all that into a career? So I grabbed a stack a paper and at the top of each sheet I wrote something I was good at, until I ended up with about 9 sheets of paper each with a different skill. Under the title, I wrote every possible way I could make money with that skill. This went on for DAYS, just brainstorming and considering the possibilities!

When I was done, I taped each sheet of paper to my fireplace side by side so that I could look at it every day, all day. If something didn’t sit well with my gut, I crossed it out. I continuously researched each item, ultimately, if it didn’t fit my goals for my life…cross it out. I did this until I narrowed down about 2-3 solid ideas for my career.

My Mind Map Birthed Vision

Ultimately, my brain dump, or brainstorming, or outline, or mind map, whatever you want to call it, is what launched my bakery: Desserts by Angie. By using this visual method of processing my thoughts, I was able to launch a business. Though my bakery is no longer open, mind mapping is now my go to process for innovation. It works!

Here’s an example of a mind map for this blog post. It makes it a clear, concise overview of the information here. Honey, anything to make life easier is more than welcome in my life! LOL.

Mind map example

Calm Your Mind

We don’t have to live a hectic life full of chaos. Mind mapping is an effective way to calm your mind in such a crazy world. It allows you to dump everything out your brain, process it effectively, and move on. Release the stress and pressure from your life and try mind mapping. Let me know below how it works for you.

Until Next Time…Stay Crafty!



  1. Farukh M

    September 18, 2021 at 4:06 pm

    Loved the way how you added an example illustrating mind mapping.

  2. Mary Sims

    September 22, 2021 at 12:19 pm

    Excellent tool. You have helped me on several areas and showed me how to empty out my mind and organize my thoughts. Very helpful. I used this for my last Women’s Convention. Upgrade from my to do list!

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